Verse of the Week
Luke 4:8 "Get behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."
Some days are better than others. Today was definitely the work of the devil. He wormed his way into my heart and turned my attention to all that I've lost instead of all that I am living, learning, and growing into. Today was planned out to be a day of productivity, working online, starting with crafting candles or getting the crafting started but instead I wallowed in the sadness of losing family memories and everything in my storage unit. So I did what I always do when the emotions are too strong, (this time it was guilt, shame, and sadness) I took a really long nap. However I'm trying to be a different person. I can't just feed the sadness, feed the guilt, feed the shame. If I feed it, it only grows bigger. So I'm turning my back on the devil's work and focusing on the light. regardless of what items I've lost atleast I'm still alive, breathing, healthy, and working towards a new future. I'm going to let the pain sit for a little bit, get some rest, and start over tomorrow focused on the good things. Its all I can do.