Verse of the Week
Hosea 6
1 "Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us, he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days he will revive us, on the third day he will restore us, that way we may live in his presence. 3 Let us acknowledge the Lord, let us press on toacknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that waters the earth. "
How coincidental of this being the verse of the day when today begins with a rainy spring morning. As we open this sabbath day I would just like to Thank God for all the changes, all the trials, and even all the adversity that has been swirling around me because they are building me to believe in myself, in my resilience, and in Him. Today is one of those days that I do not feel weak, but layered in strength.
This verse helps me focus on the fact that God is able to help us through all things, no matter how large or small. No longer do I feel weird for asking God for the little things (like giving me the strength to finish a run) or the big things (like helping me find an opening into my dream career). By acknowledging that God is there at all times, I have let go of the shame or feelings of ick to ask for help from God (from people, I still have a hard time).
This verse also reminds me that sometimes the Lord will break us down in order to build us up the way he wants us. I didn't understand that for a time.. not that I thought I was perfect by any means, but I just thought "why would I have to feel like x before I can get to Z?"In this case I learned that humility is needed for God to bring us through to the other side. I thought I was already pretty humble but by going through situations like living in a homless shelter for a few weeks, fighting with my family, hitting the lowest pit in my depression- it all allowed me to see just how amazing my life in my early 20's was (not the drugs and drinking but everything else). Sometimes I wish I could go back to when I was 23 and free just to do a few things over again, but now I really just see how great life WAS, how I can get back to that level of happiness, and allow God to surpass my expectations. My aunt always says that our God is.a God of restoration. Not only will he surpass your expectations, but if you believe in him truly, when it is your time He will blow your mind with the changes he has planned for you. So be patient in your time of injury and restoration-- the harder it seems, the greater your reward.
Brooklynn V