Chapter 4: Numbers are Important

88° 12:21 PM 26262 1226pm 88 the master number 88/7 has the ability to manifest heaven on Earth with pure intention. 88 is, foremost, an analytical approach to efficient business for accomplishing substantial goals. 1221 is linked with both our ability and our responsibility for shaping our own lives, but also suggests that we can achieve more when we work together. it is time to develop a clearer vision of what you want. Once you have this, you will start to find that all your hard work will pay off. That we are actually missing is a true commitment. Matchng tarot: THE CHARIOT
The offer of help on the table is a good one. 26262. Avoid being a people-pleaser. Just focus on your goals and values. Stop grieving a relationship that wasn’t meant for you. Focus on your spiritual practice. Don’t worry about money. 444: INCOMING CHANGE 1001: beginnings, endings, new chapters